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A member registered Aug 29, 2022

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I'd love to give it a shot again if you can send me that file! It must be my adblocker, since I haven't cleared any cookies since this morning. I was really enjoying the game!! 

I was really enjoying this game and played for a bit yesterday and this morning, but now my progress has completely disappeared. I've been on chrome this entire time and saved and quit each time and got the screen that told me I was good to exit. This didn't give me any issue going from yesterday to this morning, but for some reason this morning to this afternoon completely deleted my progress. It was fun while it lasted :( 

Thank you so much for this! It's been so helpful, as everything else I've come across is way too complicated for what I needed. I was wondering, would you know how to incorporate a "take apart" option with this? 

My idea was to make a separate note for items that can be taken apart, and call out a Variable 5 and 6 for the resulting items. I think I got most of the way there by mimicking what you wrote, but I'm stuck at the part where you first define the new variable. 

This section "0002 Result Item = $gameParty.lastItem().meta.resultItems ? $gameParty.lastItem().meta.resultItems.split(',')[$gameParty.lastItem().meta.comboItems.split(',').indexOf(String($gameVariables.value(1)))] : 1"  

How would I alter this so that I can call out the item before the comma as variable 5 and the item after the comma as variable 6?

I just finished playing, I really enjoyed it a lot!! Great job, the mysteries were very well done, and I hope you make more games in the future. I wanted to join the discord, but the link has expired. Could you update it? :D